Animas View Cooperative originally opened in the 1970s and is now a 120-site, resident-owned manufactured home community.
But that transition didn’t happen overnight. We formed the Animas View MHP Co-op and started on the path to resident-ownership with only 90 days to obtain a contract and loan commitment. AVMHP was the first community to close under a new Colorado law requiring mobile home park owners to give residents an opportunity to purchase their park. We are now in the process of doing almost $3 million worth of deferred maintenance on water/sewer lines and park roads and hoping to add fiber optics in the process. With the help of Thistle ROC and ROC USA, LLC, we purchased and took control of our community on June 21, 2021.
Now, the resident-owned community (ROC) is not only a successful business, but also a thriving neighborhood.
Our Member households elect our Board of Directors, which works with a property management firm and also appoints various volunteer committees to help with special projects, celebrations, community improvements and more. The Board submits a budget every year, and the entire Membership votes on it and any changes to the rent before the budget becomes official. We’re running the business that is our community on our terms, by our rules, for the betterment of ourselves and our neighbors.

It has been heartwarming to see our community transition. As soon as the sale was complete, a group of residents began sprucing up the neighborhood. From trimming trees to filling in potholes and dontating appliances to those in need, our community is all about neighbors helping neighors, often without being asked. We have planned spring and fall community days for residents to work together to improve the neighborhood.